Full list of online public services links in Mozambique

Publicado em November 20, 2023 (Último modificado em July 6, 2024) • 3 min de leitura • 462 palavras
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Our blog compiles handy links for essential services in Mozambique, from passport renewal schedules to driving license renewal appointments. Get all the information you need in one spot, so you can manage everything online without leaving home.

In Mozambique and looking for easy access to public services? You’re in luck! The Mozambican government provides online services, letting you handle your paperwork from home. Despite being a developing nation, Mozambique has made big steps in digital solutions. Here are key services and their links:

Pre-booking for submiting a National Identity Card (I.D.) Application

ePBI www.dnic.gov.mz is an online system developed by the Identification Authority (Direcção Nacional de Identificação Civil (DNIC)), where you can schedule a time to later presencially submit your required documents, as well capture your biometric data to acquire your Mozambican Identity Card.

Appointment to renew Passport, DIRE or other migration documents

SIGAV https://sigav.senami.gov.mz/, is a system developed by the Migration authority: Serviço Nacional das Migração (SENAMI), which offers a variety of services for scheduling and consulting migration documents status to national or foreign citizens, including: Passport, Miners’ Travel Documents, Emergency Certificate, Visa Application , Visa Extension, DIRE (D.I.R.E), Travel Document for Refugees, Declaration of Residence and Others.

Mozambique Visa Online Application

EVISA https://evisa.gov.mz/, is a system made by Mozambican migratory authorities, that allows travelers to Mozambique to apply for different types of visas in advance, namely: Tourist Visa, Business Visa, Investment Visa, Crew Visa, Humanitarian Assistance Visa and Cultural and Sports and Culture Visa.

Scheduling service at registry and notary offices

On the user portal for registries and notaries - https://utente.srn.gov.mz/utente/homecl, you can schedule appointments in advance to initiate acts such as marriage, birth, name change, car registration, property, criminal record, and more. Additionally, you can now submit documents online for company registration and make payments through mobile wallets, covering actions like name reservation and final registration for businesses.

Driving License Status

Virtual Desk of INATRO (National Institute of Land Transport), formerly INATTER https://www.balcaovirtual.inatro.gov.mz/: INATRO’s Virtual Desk (formerly INATTER) offers Driving License renewal services, as well as consultation and payment of fines.

A differential of INATRO’s Virtual Counter is the possibility of being able to obtain the codes to pay the driving license renewal fee or even pay driving fines, using debit card or mobile wallets (M-Pesa).

NUIT (Contributor Number) Card Printing

NUIT Number https://nuit.at.gov.mz/nuit/: The Tax Authority of Mozambique, provides citizens who already have a NUIT number with the possibility of printing the card with the NUIT number data.

Reporting of Computer Frauds

Computer Fraud Reporting Platform The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) provides a platform for reporting computer frauds or scams (mobile phones, social networks, ATMs, etc.). To do so, please fill out the form at the link above if you have been a victim or have knowledge of a suspected crime.

Reporting of Cybersecurity Incidents

CSIRT https://csirt.gov.mz/?page_id=3486: CSIRT is the national government team that monitors and responds to cybersecurity threats, and has provided a portal where citizens can assist by reporting suspicious activities or vulnerabilities.


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