Comparison of fees for all mobile wallets - M-Pesa vs e-Mola vs m-kesh

Publicado em July 5, 2023 (Último modificado em May 29, 2024) • 4 min de leitura • 773 palavras
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Whether you're a visitor or a newcomer, in this guide, we present an updated table with the tariffs comparison for common operations (withdrawals, transfers, purchase of pre-paid electricity packages (CREDELEC), and more, between the three main mobile money operators, M-Pesa Mozambique (Vodacom Mozambique), e-Mola (Movitel) and mkesh (Tmcel).

What are the transfer fees for e-Mola, M-Pesa or mKesh?

Find out about the fees for mobile wallets in force in Mozambique. This data was compiled by Oficina TIC (ICT Workshop) using the updated official tariffs of the 3 Operators/Mobile Wallets: M-Pesa, e-Mola and mKesh in 2023.

Withdrawal Fees at Agent (Registered Customer)

AmountsM-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
10 to 100 MT4 MT3 MT2 MT
101 to 1000 MT10 MT8 MT8 MT
1001 to 2000 MT20 MT16 MT16 MT
2001 to 5000 MT40 MT34 MT34 MT
5001 to 10000 MT80 MT68 MT68 MT
10001 to 15000 MT100 MT100 MT100 MT
15001 to 20000 MT120 MT120 MT120 MT
20001 to 25000 MT150 MT150 MT150 MT
25001 to 50000 MTNot Applicable300 MT300 MT

ATM withdrawal fees

AmountsM-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
10 to 100 MT4 MT3 MT6 MT
101 to 1000 MT10 MT8 MT8 MT
1001 to 2000 MT20 MT16 MT16 MT
2001 to 5000 MT40 MT34 MT34 MT
5001 to 10000 MT80 MT68 MTNot Applicable

Money transfer to registered customer (same operator)

AmountsM-Pesa* M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
1 to 9 MT1 MTFree of ChargeNot Applicable
10 to 50 MT1 MTFree of Charge2 MT
51 to 100 MT2 MTFree of Charge2 MT
101 to 500 MT4 MTFree of Charge3 MT
501 to 1000 MT8 MTFree of Charge3 MT
1001 to 2000 MT10 MTFree of Charge8 MT
2001 to 2750 MT12 MTFree of Charge11 MT
2751 to 4000 MT15 MTFree of Charge11 MT
4001 to 5000 MT20 MTFree of Charge11 MT
5001 to 10000 MT20 MTFree of Charge15 MT
10001 to 15000 MT20 MTFree of Charge20 MT
15001 to 20000 MT20 MTFree of Charge25 MT
20001 to 25000 MT20 MTFree of Charge30 MT
25001 to 50000 MTNot ApplicableFree of Charge40 MT
  • Transfers from M-Pesa number to M-Pesa number are free, only when done through the ‘My M-Pesa’ app, available on the Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS).

Transfer to bank accounts

AmountsM-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
10 to 100 MT10 MT3 MT3 MT
101 to 1000 MT10 MT8 MT8 MT
1001 to 2000 MT20 MT16 MT18 MT
2001 to 5000 MT40 MT34 MT30 MT
5001 to 10000 MT80 MT68 MT50 MT
10001 to 15000 MT100 MT100 MT80 MT
15001 to 20000 MT120 MT120 MT100 MT
20001 to 25000 MT150 MT150 MT120 MT
25001 to 50000 MTNot Applicable300 MT180 MT

Transfer to wallets from other operators (MPesa to eMola/maKesh, eMola to MPesa/maKesh)

AmountsM-Pesa e-Mola fees to e-Mola/mKeshe-Mola e-Mola fees to M-Pesa/mKesh
10 to 19 MT1 MT1 MT
20 to 50 MT2 MT2 MT
51 to 100 MT3 MT3 MT
101 to 500 MT7 MT7 MT
501 to 1000 MT11 MT11 MT
1001 to 2000 MT14 MT14 MT
2001 to 2750 MT18 MT18 MT
2751 to 4000 MT21 MT21 MT
4001 to 5000 MT26 MT26 MT
5001 to 10000 MT35 MT35 MT
10001 to 25000 MT45 MT45 MT
25001 to 50000 MT86 MT85 MT

Airplane ticket from LAM (Mozambique Airlines)

M-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola fees
2.4% of the transaction value1.5% of the transaction value

Other operations


AmountsM-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
10 to 100 MT2 MTFree of chargeFree of charge
101 to 200 MT3 MTFree of chargeFree of charge
From 201 MT5 MTFree of chargeFree of charge
AmountsM-Pesa M-Pesa feese-Mola e-Mola feesmKesh mKesh fees
Airtime/VoucherNot ApplicableBonus up to 120%10% discount
Water invoice/FIPAGFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
TV voucherFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
Seller feesFree of chargeFree of charge1 MT
Balance inquiryFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
Transaction history inquiryFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
Deposit moneyFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge
Receive money from other countriesFree of chargeFree of charge (*África do Sul)
Account openingFree of chargeFree of chargeFree of charge


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